Different Types of Damage after a Hurricane – Wind, Water, Surge


Different Types of Damage after a Hurricane – Wind, Water, Surge

forensic reconstruction

Forensic Reconstruction After Varying Types of Hurricane Damage

The damage caused by hurricanes can vary greatly, both in extent and in root cause. These variables can affect how coverage can be applied after the event. Wind, water, and storm surge are all primary factors that lead to hurricane damage, but differentiating between causes after the fact might be very important. Here’s what to look for.

Hurricane Wind Damage

Wind, while not always the predominant cause of damage, is often difficult to differentiate from damage caused by other forces during a hurricane. For example, uplift and downward pressures on rafter roof structures cause lateral forces at the tops of walls. Also, depending on location relative to the eye of a hurricane, predominant wind direction may completely reverse as the eye passes by. For tall structures, dynamic effects can lead to distresses that may not be easily discerned upon initial observation.

Hurricane Water Damage

Hurricanes regularly dump large amounts of rain in their paths, often as much as 10 to 15 inches, which can cause significant property damage to the affected area.  Determining how the water infiltrated a structure, whether through an existing opening or through an opening caused by wind forces, is often a primary concern when assessing damage. When evaluating the total cost associated with a hurricane event, water infiltration can be the largest cost portion of a repair.

Hurricane Storm Surge Damage

A storm surge occurs when a hurricane’s strong winds and heightened air pressure push coastal water above normal tide levels. A storm surge can cause “extreme flooding in coastal areas particularly when storm surge coincides with normal high tide,” according to the National Hurricane Center.

Storm surges are dangerous as they are associated with fast-moving, high-rising water and can cause floods that significantly damage property.  Storm surges, not wind, are actually the greatest cause of damage to property during and after a hurricane.  

No matter the source of the damage, New Rome Enterprises has the resources to assist with hurricane damage investigation and forensic reconstruction.  Contact our team of professionals today to learn how we can help with damage assessment, forensic engineering, and other services after a hurricane.   


  • January 30, 2018
  • Posted by Bryan Evege

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